How long is a piece of balloon string? and more importantly what colour? ~ My IdeaLife

Saturday 14 May 2011

How long is a piece of balloon string? and more importantly what colour?

My first baby boy turned two yesterday. TWO! I can't believe it's been two whole years since I met first met him, coughing and spluttering after being dragged into being. What a blur of love, tears, awe, wonderment and it seems balloon ribbon choices. It's with shame I admit I spent at least 3 minutes discussing the balloon ribbon colour with a long suffering, yet very patient, party warehouse employee. You see we threw my boy a bit of a do today and being who I am I wanted everything to be just so. 

The balloon ribbon conundrum basically went something like: 
LS Employee: Do you want to match the ribbon colour to the balloon?
Me: Errrr(pause length not commensurate with level of decision)rrrrrrrrr - matching... no wait, make that contrasting....actually no...can I do both?
LS Employee: Sure, we'll just choose the ribbon randomnly
Me: Sorry, I know this is a little tragic, but do most people choose matching ribbon?
LS Employee: No no it's probably more common but contrasting is often chosen (pause) but most people do choose one or the other. 
Me: Ok
LS Employee: One last question do you want metallic or matte ribbon?
Me(certain this time): Matte
LS Employee: Ok so will send you an email conf..
Me: Sorry, sorry I know this is probably very annoying and I can't believe I'm worried about the bloody balloon ribbon, I mean it's a two year old's party...
LS Employee: Don't worry I have a two year old too, I understand
Me: So I'm not being completely mental? 
LS Employee: No, no I know how you feel
Me: Thanks, well I think I'll go back to the contrasting ribbon only
LS Employee:  Ok done. 
Me: So yellow with blue, blue with red...
LS Employee: Yes that's right. 

The poor girl was obviously the consummate customer service person because in the face of my obvious neurosis she was completely lovely. Maybe she felt pity for me because despite her sharing motherhood of a two year old with me, she's never caught herself mulling over ribbon colour, let alone needing to specify what colour should go with what. I don't know - she was just nice in the face of my insanity. 

Anyway the balloons looked great, (needless to say they would have looked great with matching ribbon also). My son had a great time, and was still singing happy birthday to you before bed tonight. The kids played nicely for the majority of the time, there was only one poo incident and the cake was the most popular attraction of the day (in fact possibly worthy of it's own post). Even my hubby looked happy despite whinging about the cost of the event for weeks*.

As soon as the last guests left I of course took to my bed, well not straight away as had to put two other little worn out humans to bed first, I think it all was too much for me. 'It' of course, being the balloon ribbon choice. LOL.

Has anyone else taken the finer details of a party,
their child won't even remember, a little far?

*It only cost too much because of the gift (a Thomas play table and set) that my hubby actually chose - go figure!

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